susan im
Oct 29, 2020


You have all you need to break through…

These last few months have been a time of transition for me where it seems like the ground is shifting. Job loss is hard under any circumstances but in the middle of a pandemic in 2020, it seems downright cruel. How can we deal with more uncertainty on top of an already uncertain time?

I started the process with an intention to treat the 1st 90 days as a sabbatical. The truth is I have always wanted to take a break where I could reflect, refuel and recharge. I wanted to learn something new and challenge myself to grow.

What I didn’t allow for was the emotional baggage that comes with job loss. The loss of identity when you’ve been part of a company for 15+ years, the loss of community, friends and sense of belonging, the loss of structure, the loss of accomplishments and the loss of productivity. Most importantly, the loss of confidence.

It has taken many weeks of reflection and exploration to see that I have everything I need to move forward and make impact. I am inspired by so many out there who are creating their own futures. I have been honing in on my superpowers for some time and they don’t disappear when a job does.

I am excited to begin…

